Planning Permission Secured to Build 20 Bedrooms for Homeless in Nottingham
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28 Jan 2023
Emmanuel House Support Centre has received planning permission to change the use of some of its premises
Emmanuel House Support Centre in Hockley, Nottingham has received planning permission from Nottingham City Council to change the use of the first and second floors of its premises.
The scheme includes the creation of 20 bedrooms that will provide short-term emergency accommodation for people who find themselves homeless. The charity’s ground floor will continue to provide day support while the first and second floors will be converted into bedrooms providing 24-hour emergency care.
Following the successful planning application, which was approved on Friday 27 January, phase one of the development will start in the coming months. The replacement of the support centre’s existing windows will be the first element of the development to be delivered. New double-glazed aluminium windows are currently being procured by the project team, which will significantly improve the thermal performance and aesthetic appearance of the building.
The journey that Emmanuel House is embarking on has only just started, but an important milestone has been reached and we’re proud to be working within a highly skilled project team that cares about the city of Nottingham. We look forward to moving forward with the project and supporting with fundraising efforts.
Denis Tully, CEO at Emmanuel House, said: “This is fantastic news for the charity as it means we’re one step closer to our ambition of providing short-term emergency respite care becoming a reality, contributing to reducing the number of people who are homeless in Nottingham.”
Denis added: “We’re continuing to work with Nottingham City Council and our consultants before we can go out for funding. We have more work to do before we can start the crucial fundraising stages. The immediate need for Emmanuel House remains the significant task of raising vitals funds for our Winter Appeal, which will support people in crisis and at risk of homelessness over winter.”
Fundraising for the project, which is predicted to cost the charity £2 million, will start when the team has completed the preparatory work. We are joined in the project team with other Nottingham suppliers such as project managers EDGE, structural and civil engineers Hexa, and mechanical and electrical engineers Chord Consult.
Photo: From Left, Ashley Cowdrey (Chord Consult), James Garment (Hexa Consulting), Denis Tully (Emmanuel House), Steve Milan (CPMG Architects) and Joanne Hardwicke (EDGE).
- Dennis Tilly, CEO at Emmanuel House